Knowing that it is often difficult to liquidate your family's personal belongings, we offer integrity and experience that turns ordinary selling into a successful estate sale. We start by arranging and organizing everything in the home - emptying closets and cupboards, cleaning items as necessary - displaying is key! Besides the use of the internet for research we have a library of reference books on our personal shelves. We then price, advertise in a variety of venues and use our large and growing email list (almost 3500 emails at this time) for notices and sell, sell, sell! You only need to call. What could be easier? Basements & Beyond has been selling antiques, collectibles and household items on the West Coast for 40 years!
You don't have to have a house full of antiques (or anything you consider "good" to have a sale). The most common household items sell just as well as the best antique. JUST DON'T THROW ANYTHING AWAY - talk to us first!
Feb 02, 2023
Recently attended the sale on Valentine and quite impressed by the professionalism and courtesy plus the attentiveness by all workers at this event. Really wanted the Thomasville sofa and matching chairs , but the rugged male members of my family were out of town, maybe next time, Wonderful experience at your event. Keep up the excellent work !!! BL, Fresno CA
As soon as I could make change my mother had me buying. I bought all kinds of glassware and pottery: Depression, Fostoria, Heisey, McCoy, Roseville and Weller. That was for her. When I was about eight or nine years old, I started buying, fixing up and re-selling Barbie dolls. We sold at local swap meets and flea markets. Twice a year my mom would hold a three day yard sale in our backyard that could rival any outlet mall! I always knew that I would be selling something. My mother sold a mix of antiques, collectibles and nice quality second hand “stuff” at those outdoor markets. Never having an antique store of her own she sold to those that did. Being raised in that environment only led to my passion for selling nearly ANYTHING! I started selling at those same swap meets and flea markets in the early 1980’s slowly adding outdoor antique shows such as Moss Landing, San Juan Bautista, Old Sacramento, Oakhurst and more. In the mid 80’s I rented a booth at Fulton’s Folly Antique Collective and was there until its close in 2014. By the late 80’s I had added indoor shows - Fresno’s Serendipity, San Francisco’s Cow Palace, the Tacoma Dome in Washington, the Portland Convention Center and others. It was about this time that I conducted the first of many estate sales. It began as just “helping out” a friend who needed to liquidate the contents his or her parents’ home. Word traveled quickly that we were available to do such sales and one friend would tell another, who told someone at their church, who mentioned it to a co-worker and so on. I didn’t feel the need to advertise…word of mouth kept me as busy as I had liked to be.
A new era has begun. I'm advertising in the Valley Yellow Pages, creating this website (which is an on-going project), have a Facebook page (Basements & Beyond Estates and Antiques), Instagram (@basementsandbeyond) and, as always, relying on personal referrals.